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Integrating the Masculine & Feminine, the Spiritual & the Entrepreneur with Transformational Energy Coach and Financial Accountant, Misty Cosper

Integrating the Masculine & Feminine, the Spiritual & the Entrepreneur with Transformational Energy Coach and Financial Accountant, Misty Cosper

Our podcast guest today is Misty Cosper who is intent on helping small business owners understand the power of recognizing and harnessing equally, the masculine and feminine qualities that reside in each of us. Integration at its highest form, Misty believes it is completely possible, and in fact, critical, to honor both the masculine (getting shit done, meeting those deadlines, focusing on when you need to get your business moving) and the feminine (knowing when to step back, be soft, flow with the cycles of life), and helps others who really want to blend the hybrid of both. A transformational energy coach AND a financial accountant, Misty works with folks to not only get their finances in good working order (and have it not be so scary) but also to create an abundance mindset, removing blocks and limiting beliefs so each of us can flourish to our highest potential.

Tune into this episode if you want to learn more about:

1. What it means to honor both the masculine and feminine in your business.

2. How we truly can live a life of abundance, grace, and joy, while still running a small business (and the challenges that come with doing that!).

3. How sometimes the universe gives you great struggles to push you onto the path you are truly meant to be on.

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