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Boobies + Noobies, with Kelly Reynolds

Boobies + Noobies, with Kelly Reynolds

We. Can’t. Even. with this episode, potentially one of our most favorite of all time. If you didn’t know, we also host The Bodice Rippers Romance Novel Podcast where yes, we talk about all things romance-novel related. And for today’s episode, we are chatting with fellow romance-aphile, Kelly Reynolds, the creator behind the massively popular Boobies + Noobies Podcast. She is also a writer, theater buff, author assistant, and soon to be working on her own romance novel author and we can’t wait for it!

In this episode, we cover a damn lot, so take a look below at a longer than usual list of all of the gems you will hear during this hour:

1) How people are lunging for joy after these last few years, and romance novels are part of that joy package.

2) Twilight. While we can’t really recommend it, we do honor its place in the lexicon of the romance literature world.

3) How it’s literally the best time to be a romance novel reader (new or experienced) AND a podcaster. Seriously, get with it.

4) How taking time for yourself should be a priority. So, get in the tub with the book and tell the family you are unavailable for multiple hours.

5) How there is a stigma of reading romance novels, and we’ll counter with the incredible value of reading them.

6) How romance novels are really ahead of all other genres, connecting people, and finally putting women’s pleasure at the forefront.

And really, just so much more. Check out Kelly and her amazing podcast below:

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