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Building a Swimming Life, with David Tait

Building a Swimming Life, with David Tait

Everyone grab your flippers, because in today’s episode on the show, we are chatting with CEO + Founder of Evo Swim School, based locally here in the Phoenix-Metro Valley – and we really love this story of entrepreneurship and hard work, while not forgoing the work-life balance we all seek.

A swimmer since before he could almost walk, David has been in the water his entire life, eventually making it all the way to compete in the Olympic Trials. But his journey didn’t stop there. Indeed, it’s more where he got started. Deciding he wanted to be in the swimming world, in perhaps a different way than coaching (which he also did), David struck out to build swim schools, forging a somewhat unexpected, entrepreneurship, path. Now the head of multiple successful swim schools, David chats with us about his journey, what went well, what he chose to walk away from, and how gaining a different perspective showed him what was really important through all of these years of building his business.

Hop in the pool, then come back and take a listen to learn about the following:

1. Realizing the importance of your mental health and happiness as a business owner, and not letting the journey of growth and expansion consumer you, as it often can in the entrepreneurship world.

2. How he gets kiddos from “person to mermaid” and the greatest delight of his entire career, which is seeing the lightbulb moment when a 2 or 3-year old “gets” swimming – and can cross the pool successfully.

3. We all need to have hobbies that we can enjoy. And that are just that. Hobbies. Not a side hustle, nothing to sell. Nothing to promote. Just an activity that brings us joy. For David, that’s horseback riding!

Find David + Evo Swim School here:

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